The Financing Mechanisms complement the fields of activity of Territorial Planning and Green Business Models because AmPaz's target populations require financial support appropriate to their characteristics and type of business (green business models) to improve their income and employment conditions. In Colombia, the green transformation of the agricultural sector requires investments to modernize production. That is why, together with the consulting firm GOPA/AFC, we are working on green financing mechanisms, with promising approaches to sustainable natural resource management in post-conflict areas and financial and environmental training programs for small producers.
Para definir la demanda efectiva y el potencial de negocio de crédito agropecuario verde, el proyecto inició con una fase intensiva de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los mercados agropecuarios de Meta y Caquetá. Los resultados revelaron, que entre el 5% – 10% de los pequeños productores tienen una demanda para crédito verde.
The green business model at the farm level was elaborated with the support of Wageningen University. Through the "FarmDESIGN" projection model, the Pareto Optimum between "ecosystem services" (or net GHG capture) and farm profitability was analysed for seven farms.
One of the foundations for this work is Colombia's Green Protocol an agreement signed between the national government and the financial sector, which seeks to unite efforts to promote the country's sustainable development and work for environmental preservation and the sustainable use of natural resources. The green protocol states three strategies for the banking sector: the development of a green portfolio of financial products and services, internal eco-efficiency, and the development of an environmental and social risk management system (Sistema de Administración de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales - SARAS).
GOPA/AFC signed cooperation agreements with three financial institutions to support them in developing green protocol strategies and piloting them in selected municipalities in Meta and Caquetá: Banco Agrario, Banco Mundo Mujer and the CAC Utrahuilca cooperative. A green agricultural credit product has been developed with these three entities. In addition, the environmental and social risk management system (SARAS) of Banco Mundo Mujer was also developed. In parallel, GOPA/AFC consultants signed an agreement with Asobancaria para desarrollar el programa de Educación Financiera y Ambiental (FINCA): El programa fue implementado en 14 municipios de Meta y Caquetá capacitando a más de 450 pequeños productores, 55% de ellos mujeres. Además, se capacito a un total de 39 facilitadores, así asegurando la continuidad del proyecto en los municipios apoyados. Gracias al programa los productores y productoras ahora tienen habilidades para gestionar sus recursos financieros, identificar inversiones verdes y solicitar un crédito verde en las entidades financieras socias especializadas.
If you want to learn more about Green Financing, click here