En los últimos años, el Ministerio de Ambiente ha empezado a impulsar la creación de Negocios Verdes, aquellos que generen impactos positivos al medio ambiente y a la salud humana. Para apoyar esta labor, en Meta y Caquetá se trabaja con Asociaciones de Productores de cacao, caucho y transformación de lácteos implementando estos modelos de negocios con los que se buscan: una viabilidad económica, responsabilidad ambiental y social y el mejoramiento de la calidad de los productos.
As a complement and according to the decisions of the Territorial Planning, AmPaz supports the Development of productive systems/models of green business, that contribute to improving the environmental conditions of the territory and raise the average income of the population affected by the conflict under the approach of "conserving producing and producing conserving".
Strengthening green businesses in Caqueta
In total, AmPaz works with 6 producer organizations.
In the value chain of cocoa, this includes the Asociación Agroproductiva de Familias Guardabosques de la Vega del Río Guaviare- AGROVEGA-, Asociación de Productores de Cacao de Puerto Rico -APROCACAO-, and the Asociación Departamental de Cultivadores de Cacao y Especies Maderables del Caquetá - ACAMAFRUT. In the dairy sector, we work with Lácteos el Hatico -ASOHATICO- and the Association of Women Drivers of Albania - ASMUJIMA-. Finally, the project supports the families of rubber producers of the Association of Reforesters and Cultivators of Caquetá Rubber -ASOHECA-.
To establish strategies to implement the Green Business Models, a participatory strategic planning of each Association is carried out, in which based on a SWOT analysis the Sustainable Canvas Business Model is made use of. Both at the farm and organizational levels, tools and measures have been established which include:
- A Sustainable Farm PlanThis intervention tool allows to guide a holistic development of the territory (farm, village, basin), considering environmental resources and the location within local and regional dynamics.
- Conservation Agreements: By which producer families are made aware of the importance of conserving strategic environmental areas on their farms and trails. Through the signing of a voluntary agreement, they commit to conserving the forest areas they have defined.
- Technical Assistance to improve product quality and productive infrastructure: Through the definition of support measures, incentives for materials and inputs for equipment, the producers' associations have managed to improve production.
- Organizational Action Plan: Based on the construction of the sustainable business model and strategic planning, the organizations established their action plan that allows them to establish continuous improvement mechanisms with inclusive and sustainable development proposals..
Strengthening green businesses in Meta
Economic Reactivation during COVID-19
In response to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, AmPaz contributed to the economic reactivation in the project regions. Thanks to the purchase of harvesting equipment, drying systems, fertilizers, maintenance equipment, post-harvest treatments and improved infrastructure, producer associations were able to increase productivity and improve product quality. They were able to achieve better sales prices and higher incomes for their families. With these measures, AmPaz supports more than 1,600 producers and their families through one or more emergency measures. Of these, more than 110 produce cocoa, 30 produce dairy products and 1,500 rubber. 1.600 productores y sus familias a través de una o más medidas de emergencia. De ellos, más de 110 producen cacao, 30 producen lácteos y 1.500 caucho
If you want to know more about our Green Business Models, click here